Learn Math Tricks To Amaze Your Peers

Mathematical Magical Penguin

Math can surely become easy and fun if you can get your hands on some amazing tips and tricks. In case you want to amaze your friends with some fun math tricks continue reading because we have gathered some really interesting tricks that will surely have your friends thinking that you are a magician.

Rule of ‘11’

Just like how we are aware of the rule of ‘10’ i.e. when you multiply any number by 10 you just add a zero in front of that number. For example, for 11×10, you simply write 11 and add a zero as a third digit. The answer is 110.

Similarly, the rule of ‘11’ is also quite interesting.

  1. Think of any 2-digit number, here let’s suppose 23.
  2. Now separate the two numbers in your mind like 2 _ 3.
  3. The next thing that you do is take the sum of these two numbers i.e. 2+3=5.
  4. Lastly, place this answer i.e. 5 between the two numbers that we separated earlier. It will become a three-digit number that is 253.

This gets a little tricky if in the fourth step you get an answer greater than 9 i.e. a two-digit number. For example, you think of the number 93. When you do the fourth step you will get 9+3=12. Now what you do is that place the second digit ‘2’ in between the number 93. It will become 923. Then the next thing you do is add the first digit from 12 i.e. ‘1’ to the first digit of our answer 923. Our answer will become 1023.

Find Your Age Using Your Shoe Size

The name of this second math trick to learn might sound weird, but you can actually find your age using your shoe size.

  1. Check your shoe size. For now, let’s suppose it is ‘5’.
  2. Multiply this number by 5 i.e. 5×5=25.
  3. Add 50 to your answer. (25+50=75)
  4. Multiply your answer by 20 (75×20=1500)
  5. Now add the year you’re doing this trick in but change the first two digits to 10. For example, you’re doing it in 2022 so take it as 1022 and add it to your answer in step 4. (1022+1500=2522)
  6. From the above answer subtract the year you were born in. For example, you were born in 2001. (2522-2001=521). The first digit i.e. 5 is your shoe size and the next 2 digits are your age.

The Answer Will Always Be ‘5’

For your answer to always be 5 all you need to do is follow these simple steps:

  1. Think of any number. Let’s suppose 4.
  2. Double the number. In our case 4+4=8
  3. Add 10 to your answer (10+8=18).
  4. Divide your answer by 2 (18/2=9)
  5. Now from the answer you got in the fourth step i.e. 9, subtract the original number you thought of and you will be amazed to obtain your desired number i.e. 5! (9-4=5)

Don’t forget to try these tricks out and prove yourself as a mathe-magician!

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